
new blog

My blog is moving to jerryhofferattorney.com


It was a long year, and this one started off with a bang.

2010 has come and gone.  2011 has been so busy here I am posting for the first time on February 23, 2011.  One thing is clear, society has not solved any of its problems as it relates to family law.  Every day the phone rings with more and more, stranger and stranger problems.

I am entering my 20th year of practicing law; almost exclusively in the family law / domestic law area.  If you need help, call my office.  My experience can help.  My staff is dedicated to helping those who are facing the most pressing, emotional problems one could face during a lifetime.

Until later.



What does a criminal conviction really mean and how does it affect my life?

What does a criminal conviction really mean and how does it affect my life?  In this month’s Tennessee Bar Association Journal, there is an excellent article about criminal convictions and how a conviction will impact an individual’s life.  If you want a copy of the article, just email me at jerryhofferattorney@gmail.com and I will get you a copy.  All contacts will be anonymous.  


National Crime Victims Rights Week begins today

By Linda Braden Albert 
Originally published: April 18. 2010 3:01AM
Last modified: April 17. 2010 4:55PM
The focus of a crime is often on the offenders and what they have done rather than on the victim. National Crime Victims' Rights Week, which begins today and continues through Saturday (April 24), shifts that focus to those who are impacted most by the crimes.
Blount County District Attorney General Mike Flynn said, “During this week, we all like to stop, take a step back, and say ‘we're here because of the victims, and that's who we want to help.' We take time out to recognize that and remind everybody that that's what the focus is, that it's on the needs of the victims rather than on the offenders.”
On Tuesday, the Tennessee Board of Probation & Parole and Flynn's office will plant a dogwood tree at the Blount County Justice Center in recognition of the victims of crime of any kind. Flynn said a dogwood tree was chosen for several reasons.
“The dogwood tree, of course, is indigenous to East Tennessee, and it's a tree that blooms in the spring about the time that we have Victims' Rights Week every year, so we thought it was a very appropriate tree,” Flynn said. “Plus, they are very tough trees that can survive under difficult circumstances. For all those reasons, we thought it was an appropriate tree for victims' rights.”
This is the first observance held in Blount County. In the past, Flynn said events had been concentrated in Knox County.
“We thought it was time to do something here in Blount County, and that's what we're doing,” Flynn said.
Theft to homicide
The Administrative Office of the Courts, which tracks all courts across the state, generates an annual report on what is happening in each judicial district of the state. The most recent figures are from fiscal year 2008-2009, which ran from July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009. In Blount County Circuit Court, 1,452 criminal cases were disposed of (either tried or pled), Flynn said.
“The highest number of those involved burglaries and thefts,” Flynn said. “We also had a high number of drug cases and seven homicide cases that were disposed of during that year. So they ranged the gamut of theft cases through homicide and everything in between. Most if not all of those cases had victims and people who were touched by that.”
A recent parole hearing attended by Flynn and Mary Caylor, Blount County victim-witness coordinator, was related to a 2002 crime in which the victim was shot six times and left to die. “She still has three bullets in her body,” Flynn said. “She is reminded every day of how close she came to dying. Luckily, (the offender) will stay in prison for a nice long time.”
Many cases touch Flynn in a very personal way. He said the ones that make the greatest impact involve sexual and/or physical abuse of children.
“They are all important, and you're concerned about all the victims, but when you see a small child who has been treated so badly for absolutely no reason, it really touches you,” Flynn said. “It's amazing, though, too, to see how resilient some of these children are. It's very inspiring to see a child who has been treated like that then to see them go on to high school and college and become successful members of the community.”
About Crime Victims' Awareness Week
According to ovc.ncjrs.gov/ncvrw, each April since 1981, the Office for Victims of Crime has helped lead communities throughout the country in their annual observances of National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) by promoting victims' rights and honoring crime victims and those who advocate on their behalf.
All victims of crime deserve to be treated fairly and respectfully and in a way that preserves their dignity. The theme this year is therefore “Crime Victims' Rights: Fairness. Dignity. Respect.”
The public is invited to attend the tree planting ceremony Tuesday at the Blount County Justice Center. Refreshments will be served following the event.


Fast Week

This week just flew by.  When I got up this morning, I didn't even know what day it was.  By Wednesday, I had already worked my "forty hour" work week.

Thank goodness I only have one case tomorrow. After that, it is off to middle Tennessee to watch my daughter play basketball!

I hope everyone has a great, safe weekend.



Interesting Post Regarding Causes of Divorce

Financial Fights That Cause Divorce

"When all is said and done, aside from child custody, the biggest issues in divorce are about money. Indeed, money is often the root cause of divorce.  If money concerns are not the reason for a divorce, they may be symptomatic of deeper marital problems.
According to the Street, the types of financial fights that lead to divorce can easily be classified.
1. Paycheck envy
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, one in three married women out-earns her husband. That amount expands to more than half if they earn $55,000 or more. This phenomenon, it is said, may put stress on a marriage as it challenges the “traditional” male role as the “breadwinner.”
2. Debts
Couples who argue about finances on a weekly basis have a greater probability of divorcing than those who do not. Large debts may be indicative of illiquidity and the absence of an economic safety net. The absence of security provides more reason to fight.
3. Different money styles.
We have all heard about the struggles between the tight wad and the spend thrift; one spouse cannot part with a dime and ages bills to maximize the float whereas the other cannot leave a store empty handed. This difference is style may cause conflict which could jeopardize the marriage. Of course, this is an extreme example- but it illustrates the point that individual, though part of a couple, will manage money differently
4. Lifestyle Expectations
Obviously, financial constraints will define where and how the couple will live. Will they own or rent a home? Will they live in Westchester, Manhattan or Queens? Will they live in a home they easily can afford or will they stretch for something slightly above their combined means? Will they drive a new car or an older used one? If the couple is not one the same page, resentment will arise, challenging the marriage.
5. Hidden Money.
Money hidden from a spouse may be symptomatic of lack of trust or infidelity.
The theory of divorce law is that marriage is an economic partnership. It the marriage functions as a true partnership both parties are actively engaged in making marital financial decisions. Conflict can be mitigated if the parties are both aware of their financial styles and expectations and are willing to accommodate those of the other." 
Get your questions answered by Jerry Hoffer, a practicing Divorce and Family Law attorney since 1991.   
Divorce and Family Law cases are personal and emotional matters.  Do not make the mistake of giving in and giving up to your former partner simply because you do not want to make your fight public.  Not fighting for what is rightfully yours could have a negative long term effect on your life, children, and your financial well being.

If you have made the decision to divorce or need the assistance with a related family transition in Tennessee, be sure to consult an experienced Divorce and Family Law attorney.  We know what you need during your challenging transition: honest advice, clear legal information, understanding support, and a firm guiding hand.  We want you to start your new life with confidence, a fair settlement or disposition, and financial security - and we want your new life to begin as soon as possible.

For a confidential consultation concerning your 
Divorce or Family Law needs, call our office today.


Attending two day divorce and family law seminar in Tunica.